Implementing Campaign Manager - External Integrations

Customizing Your Keywords And Scores

The Sentiment score plugin lists contain English words relating to emotion. You can add your own words to these lists, change the score values, or remove words that do not match your business case. You can also add a new list.


  1. Navigate to the installation location of the plugin, typically ..\data-integration\plugins\steps\Sentiment.
  2. Open the sentiment_x.jar file (where x is a version number) using an archiving tool such as WinZip.
  3. Extract the list you want to edit from the /com/Alterian/sentiment/dict/ directory of the archive.
  4. Edit the file in a text editor. Lists are tab separated, with keywords in the first column, and scores in the second column.
  5. If you create a new list, make sure it is tab separated, with keywords in the first column and scores in the second column.
  6. Save the file and update the archive.
  7. Restart Spoon. Your new keywords are now used for scoring.
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